Make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world


It is through the local church that the disciple-making process happens


  • Proclaiming the good news of God’s grace
  • Exemplifying Jesus’ command to love God and neighbor
  • Seeking the fulfillment of God’s reign and realm in the world


Annette Morey  | 816.324.4226 circleemail


Intentionally reach out and invite others in the community to experience God’s love, grow in God’s love, and go share God’s love with the world


  • Vibrant worship with Biblical preaching that begins and is supported in prayer
  • Small group learning for children, youth, and adults
  • Fellowship and service opportunities within the church
  • Education and support the needs of the community
  • Regional and global risk-taking mission


Annette Morey  |  816.324.4226  |  circleemail



    Q | How did SUM Church get started?

    A | Groups were meeting in homes as early as 1841.  In 1855 the first church building was built at 1st and Main but not used by a congregation during much of the Civil War.  After the war,  members with a northern view point bought a small lot at 6th & Main and built a church.  On July 29, 1900 the current church building was dedicated as the ME Church, South.  On January 1, 1938 the northern congregation joined together with the southern congregation, a year before the National merger of the north and south Methodist Episcopal churches.  


    Q | Why do we do what we do the way we do?

    A | We want to share the love of God in Jesus Christ and help each person discover his or her path on the journey of faith and to take another step in connecting with God. That’s why we use the music, language, metaphors, technology and creative art forms of the culture to communicate.


    Q | What denomination is SUM Church?

    A | We are affiliated with the Missouri Conference of the United Methodist Church.   

    moumethodist.org | circlerightarrow   


    As United Methodists, we have an obligation to bear a faithful Christian witness to Jesus Christ, the living reality at the center of the Church’s life and witness. To fulfill this obligation, we reflect critically on our biblical and theological inheritance, striving to express faithfully the witness we make in our own time. 

    To learn more about our Roots, Heritage, Theological Guidelines, Sacraments, and Foundational Documents you can visit the official United Methodist Church website. 

    umc.org | circlerightarrow