A | Adoration

    How much do you love God?

    C | Confession

    What keeps you apart from God?

    T | Thanksgiving

    What good has God done?

    S | Supplication

    How can God help?



    Lord Jesus Christ,

    Let me be your servant,

    under your command.

    I am no longer my own,

    but yours.


    Put me to what you will,

    rank me with whom you will;

    put me to doing,

    put me to suffering.


    Let me be employed for you

    or laid aside for you,

    enabled for you

    or brought low for you. 


    Let me be full,

    let me be empty.

    Let me have all things,

    let me have nothing.


    I freely and heartily yield

    all things to your pleasure

    and disposal.