SUM church is active in ministry outside the walls of the building.  We serve the community through various local agencies and host community resourcing events.  The Gospel mandate is to GO and make disciples of all the world.  In doing so we care for our brothers and sisters in other areas of the United States and in parts of Africa and other nations of the world.


Beyond the annual budget, church members, church friends, and our United Methodist Women help support these various community ministries.

  • Andrew COunty Ministries

    We support the work of this community ministry by collecting food items and raising funds for the BackPack Buddies elementary school program.

  • Back-to-school fair and Adopt-a-family programs

    With the help of other church communities and area agencies we coordinate and host these seasonal events that support those families that need a helping hand.

  • open door food kitchen

    Coordinated by Help the Homeless of Northwest Missouri ministry we plan with our Promises Sunday school class to assist with this Sunday breakfast ministry in St. Joseph.